Most have heard about Farm to Table where local restaurants use fresh produce to prepare delicious meals, but have you heard of the Tillsonburg experience “Tree to Table”?

Working with David Schonberger as your guide, this Tillsonburg experience allows you to gain knowledge about the trees of Ontario’s vast Carolinian Forest on 2 acres of property. Gather around an open fire, sip on tea with freshly-foraged ingredients and engage your senses. Communicate with the roots of the forest as we discover fungal networks and reverence of the woodland ecosystem through smell, taste, touch and sight.

Then, enter the artisanal woodshop to create your own live-edge charcuterie board alongside David and choose your own piece of locally harvested lumber. Work with a variety of tools including David’s grandfather’s vintage hand tools to shape your board. In addition to creating your own board in the woodshop, take home a taste of place with a handpicked selection of the local terroir including local artisan charcuterie, cheeses, preserves and more in our Tree to Table Feasting Box.

You’ll have everything you need for your first charcuterie feast on your new board at home! Inside the woodshop, you’ll also explore Ottercreek Woodworks’ studio of handcrafted boards, personalize your work and learn how to use your new charcuterie board at home to enjoy with loved ones. For more information on this unique Oxford County experience, check out their full website here!